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The python package for interacting with Ethereum.

Python versions PyPi Version


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ether is a Python library designed to interact with the Ethereum blockchain, providing a simple and intuitive way to work with Ethereum accounts, transactions, smart contracts, and tokens. It is a wrapper around the popular library, making Ethereum interaction easier for developers.

With ether, you can:

  • 🔑 Manage Accounts: Easily generate wallet objects using your private key and interact with various Ethereum networks (e.g., Arbitrum, Polygon, BSC).
  • 💰 Check balances: Retrieve the balance of your Ethereum account and manage funds across different chains.
  • 🚀 Make transactions: Transfer Ether and ERC-20 tokens seamlessly between Ethereum accounts.
  • 💥 Smart contracts: Call functions and send transactions to Ethereum smart contracts, enabling interaction with DeFi protocols and decentralized applications (dApps).
  • 🔗 Easily integrate chains: Seamlessly add and interact with custom Ethereum networks by name or through a Network object, making it simple to connect with various blockchain environments.
  • Asynchronous support: Perform network calls asynchronously, ideal for working in applications that require non-blocking behavior.

...and much more. Unlock a wide range of functionalities to simplify Ethereum development, enhance your dApp experience, and seamlessly integrate blockchain operations into your projects.

Table of Contents:

  1. Quick Overview
  2. First Transaction
  3. Comparison
  4. Installing

Quick Overview

Each Ethereum account has the associated:

  • Public Key 🔑 (32 bytes, 66 characters): synonym for account address. You use it when you want to share payment details.
  • Private Key 🔐 (20 bytes, 42 characters): key required for making (signing) transactions. It's like a password, but stronger. You should not share it with others.

You can make transactions in different networks (chains), like:

  • Arbitrum
  • Base
  • BSC
  • Ethereum
  • Optimism
  • Polygon
  • zkSync

They can differ from each other by some criteria, like native token and average transaction fees (gas ⛽). To interact with some chain, you have to connect to its RPC.

First Transaction

Before making transactions, you need to create an object, associated with your Ethereum account. This object is called Wallet.

from ether import Wallet
my_wallet = Wallet('0xPrivateKey', 'Arbitrum')

The first argument is private key. The second is network, represented as Network object or network's name, if you use one of the built-innetworks.

Example with Network instance:

from ether import Wallet, Network

network = Network(

custom_wallet = Wallet('0xPrivateKey', network)

Furthermore, ether supports asynchronous approach:

from ether import AsyncWallet

async def validate_balance():
    async_wallet = AsyncWallet('0xPrivateKey', 'Arbitrum')
    balance = await async_wallet.get_balance()
    assert balance > 0.1

Once your wallet is created, you can perform transactions easily. Let's start with a simple Ethereum transfer from your wallet to another address.

from ether import Wallet

# Create a wallet instance
wallet = Wallet('0xPrivateKey', 'Ethereum')

# Define the recipient address and amount to send
recipient = '0xRecipientAddressHere'
amount_in_wei = 10 ** 18  # 1 Ether (in Wei units)

# Perform the transfer
params = wallet.build_tx_params(amount_in_wei, recipient)
tx_hash = wallet.transact(params)

print(f"Transaction sent! Hash: {params.hex()}")

Contract Calls

Interacting with smart contracts is seamless with ether.

from ether import Wallet

# Initialize the wallet object with your private key and network (e.g., Arbitrum)
wallet = Wallet('0xPrivateKey', 'Arbitrum')

# Access the provider associated with the wallet
provider = wallet.provider

# Define the ABI (Application Binary Interface) of the smart contract and the contract address
stargate_abi = [...]  
stargate_router = '0x8731d54E9D02c286767d56ac03e8037C07e01e98'  # Contract address (Stargate Router)

# Create a contract instance using the ABI and contract address
stargate = wallet.provider.eth.contract(address=stargate_router, abi=stargate_abi)

usdt = '0xUsdtAddress'  
eth_amount = provider.to_wei(0.001, 'ether')  # 0.001 Ether to Wei

# Prepare the contract function call to swap ETH for USDT using the smart contract's function
closure = stargate.functions.swapETH(eth_amount, usdt)

# Build the transaction and send it
wallet.build_and_transact(closure, eth_amount)

Sending Tokens

To send ERC-20 tokens, use the transfer method with the token contract address and recipient details:

from ether import Wallet

wallet = Wallet('0xPrivateKey', 'Ethereum')

# Token details
token_address = '0xTokenAddressHere'
token = wallet.get_token(token_address)

# Recipient and amount
recipient = '0xRecipientAddressHere'
amount = 100 * 10 ** token.decimals  # Sending 100 USDT

# Perform the token transfer
transaction_hash = wallet.transfer(token, recipient, amount)

print(f"Token transfer sent! Hash: {transaction_hash.hex()}")

Approving Tokens

If you plan to interact with DeFi protocols, you might need to approve a contract to spend your tokens:

# Contract address (e.g., a DeFi protocol)
contract_address = '0xContractAddressHere'
amount_to_approve = 1000 * 10 ** token.decimals

# Approve the contract to spend tokens
approval_tx_hash = wallet.approve(token, contract_address, amount_to_approve)

print(f"Approval transaction sent! Hash: {approval_tx_hash.hex()}")

Utility Functions

  • get_balance(from_wei=False): Retrieves the account balance. Use from_wei=True to get the balance in Ether units.

    balance = wallet.get_balance(from_wei=True)
    print(f"Current balance: {balance} ETH")
  • estimate_gas(tx_params): Estimates the gas required for a transaction.

    estimated_gas = wallet.estimate_gas({
        'to': recipient,
        'value': amount_in_wei
    print(f"Estimated gas: {estimated_gas}")

By following these examples, you can start interacting with Ethereum and tokens using ether. For further details, explore the full documentation linked above.


ether simplifies many Ethereum-related tasks by abstracting common operations and reducing the amount of boilerplate code required in

To send Ether using, you would need to build the transaction manually, estimate gas, and sign it:

from web3 import Web3

# Initialize Web3 instance
w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(''))

# Sender and recipient details
sender_address = '0xSenderAddressHere'
recipient_address = '0xRecipientAddressHere'
private_key = '0xPrivateKey'

# Get nonce (transaction count)
nonce = w3.eth.get_transaction_count(sender_address)

# Prepare transaction details
tx = {
    'to': recipient_address,
    'value': w3.to_wei(0.1, 'ether'),  # Sending 0.1 Ether
    'gas': 2000000,
    'gasPrice': w3.to_wei('20', 'gwei'),
    'nonce': nonce,

# Sign the transaction
signed_tx = w3.eth.account.sign_transaction(tx, private_key)

# Send the transaction
tx_hash = w3.eth.send_raw_transaction(signed_tx.rawTransaction)

print(f"Transaction sent! Hash: {tx_hash.hex()}")


With ether, the same operation is simplified to 2 method calls:

from ether import Wallet

# Create a wallet instance
wallet = Wallet('0xPrivateKey', 'Ethereum')

# Define recipient and amount
recipient = '0xRecipientAddressHere'
amount_in_wei = 10 ** 18  # 1 Ether (in Wei)

# Build transaction params and send the transaction
params = wallet.build_tx_params(amount_in_wei, recipient)
tx_hash = wallet.transact(params)

print(f"Transaction sent! Hash: {tx_hash.hex()}")


To install ether from PyPi, you can use that:

pip install pyether

To install ether from GitHub, use that:

pip install git+